Limited first edition. Thick Royal 8vo. Pp. xviii, 605, [2]. Original brown buckram with gilt device and lettering stamped to spine. With 40 b/w full-page line illustrations by Helen Lindsay, the author's daughter. As issued, without dust jacket. Signed by both author and illustrator on Colophon page.
#40 of an edition limited to 375 copies. Also issued in 26 Lettered copies, each with an Original Illustration and Manuscript Poem. Faint rust-coloured spot to limimitation page (see photo), else Fine.
Lindsay – the eldest son of Australian artist Norman Lindsay – was an editor, novelist, poet, historian and long-standing member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. He formed part of the first wave of Australian intellectuals who settled permanently in the 'mother country', unnerved by the 'tyranny of distance' and the 'spiritual emptiness' of their birthplace.