First edition. 8vo. 239 pp. Blue cloth boards, stamped in silver to spine. Jacket design by Brian Paine. Book extracts were originally published in New Yorkshire Writing, Men Only and Word Works 7. The cased edition, published simultaneously with the wrappered issue.
A Fine copy in a lightly soiled cream dustwrapper, slightly rubbed to edges, with removable price-sticker to front flap. Exceptionally scarce, with no copies available at the time of listing. OCLC lists only 3 libraries worldwide "committed to retain" theirs.
A cult classic exploiting the mystique of motorway travel, where the anti-hero narrator falls victim to a series of psychoses whilst driving through the urban landscapes of London, Manchester, and its surrounding sprawl. Terming the work "an experimental mainstream novel," Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review contributor Richard Mathews found it to be "strongly written, cautiously experimental, with an impressive characterization of the narrator." While the Morning Star summed it up as "a novel that blurs the boundaries between fantasy and illusion, amusing and terrifying by turns as it considers the impact of motorway travel on the modern psyche".