Vanessa Bell, 1879–1961: A Retrospective Exhibition, April 18-May 24, 1980.
Vanessa Bell, 1879–1961: A Retrospective Exhibition, April 18-May 24, 1980.
Illustrated by Vanessa Bell; preface by Richard Shone
First edition. Small 4to. Pp. 43, [1]. With 16 b/w plates, including photo of the artist. Tan stapled wraps, printed in orange. Introduction & Chronology by Richard Shone.
An 85 item exhibition catalogue, including portraits of Virginia Woolf, Duncan Grant and Roger Fry, held April 18 to May 24, 1980. Originally staged September-October 1979 at the Mappin Art Gallery in Sheffield and subsequently at the Portsmouth Art Gallery.
first edition
Davis & Long Company, in association w/ Anthony D'Offay, Ltd